“Honey” Comes Home – My hand-crafted guitar build
As a child my dream to build my own guitar burned a passion in me for many years until 4 years ago a wonderful Luthier named Johan saw me perform at a festival in the Bay of Plenty and offered me the chance to build my own guitar in his studio. I turned him down several times until finally in 2019 I agreed to stay in Cambridge where “Honey” was handcrafted, each piece of wood lovingly made to fit together. When nearly completed I decided to design my pick-guard and inlay a design from the many sitting untouched or even looked at in a folder of designs I have only shown a handful of people over the years. Wow! what an experience to hold a stunning piece of artwork in my hands and play the music I write. I am so grateful to Johan for taking the time to teach me and can’t wait to be back in the studio creating pick-guards and bridge, possibly build another guitar to take away on my tours. Lax